Here's my Picture
Dragons Splash Pin
Tabaluga climbs up the turnbuckle
and with a loud Yipppieh Yah Yeah Schweinebacke he splashes with his full 500 pounds on you executing violent Dragons Splash!!
Spine Buster Direct Damage
Tabaluga tackles Django d'' Giant
and slams him on the mat executing violent Spine Buster!!
Here comes the Axe Direct Damage
Tabaluga comes out of the ropes hitting first with his right arm at his Neck then with his right arm
and then with both arms with an awfull hit at his Throat executing a devastating Here Comes The Axe
InRingNameThe Big German Machine, The Northern Star, The Beast from the East
Way to the RingTabaluga walks slowly to the Ring, ignoring all the fans.Suddenly he stopps and looks into the eyes of a little Fan.He beginns a satanic screaming and continues his way to the Ring.
In the Ring he hit with his Axe against his oponnent but stopped intime.
Place of Birthand nationalityHamburg,Germany
height / weight212 cm / 150kg ( I don't know what it is in Feet and pound)
wrestler classResistance
real nameTabaluga
Short Biography (will be edited)
Tabaluga comes to Chicago in the age of 9 years. one year later his parents dies into a car accident. Tabalugas was alone and have to live on the Streets of Chicago.Fighting for life and for food.In the age of 15 he starts to wrestle.And now he trys to fight his life in this Fed.Against all.He's the lonely wolf waiting to bite into some fresh Meat!